Saturday, January 6, 2007

Is it safe to fly? - 4

Commercial aircraft pilots are also ranked like that of military pilots. However, the ranking system are different for both. It is not as complicated for commercial aircraft pilots as those in the military. There are 4 basic ranks for the former, starting from 1 stripe on the shoulder are commonly known as second officer, 2 stripes for first officer, 3 stripes for senior first officer and lastly 4 stripe for the captain. You may ask why did I talk about the ranking system of commercial aircraft pilots. Isn't the title about safety in flying? Knowing that there is a ranking system behind a commercial airlines tells how much important companies acknowledge the ability of pilots. In other words, pilots must meet certain criteria or standard before they can be hired to take control of the plane. In most flights, only senior first officers and the captains are approved to fly the jet. Flying with the more experienced may also means safer flights.
Do you know an interesting fact about pilots on board that the main pilot and co-pilot cannot have the same flight meal? For example, if the pilot ask for a choice chicken spaghetti, the co-pilot must have something different like grilled fish with rice. The reason behind having this rule is because if one choice is contaminated, there is still a 50 percent chance of the other pilot not running to and fro the loo. This is to ensure that there is a pilot in control in the cockpit at any one time when safety is concerned. The series of safety in flying will end here. However, whenever I come across any interesting information I will continue to update here. Thank you for your undivided attention. Cheers.